Big Deal

By: Leo Lawton

February 28, 1998

He looked into the Devil’s eye, and said “Take me if you can,

I like my spot here on this earth, and I am my own man.”

He then drew back his unbowed head, and he spat at the Devil’s feet,

He said “I’ll not go with you sir, you have too damm much heat.”

And so it went, for many years, each time the Devil came,

Each time Old Satan spoke for him, his answer was the same.

“Please be gone, you Devil you, back to whence you were,

no matter how many times you ask, I’ll not go with you, Sir.”

Then the Devil went up to Heaven’s Gate, and met Saint Peter there,

and said “Pete I’d like to make a deal with you, and I’ll be very fair.”

“See that fellow right down there, the one next to the fleecy cloud.

Send him below, where he wants to go, and you’ll make me mighty proud.”

“Then you can have the next thousand men, no matter what they’re due,

now there’s a deal you can’t turn down, and I’m presenting it to you.”

Saint Peter spoke, “But does he want to go for the rest of eternity,

or does he prefer to spend his time in heaven here with me.”

“You said you’d be fair, so I’ll make you this dare, and we’ll leave it up to him,

he’s now in his prime, but when it comes his time, we’ll see what is his whim.

If he truly wants to go with you, I’ll send him down below,

if he doesn’t want to go that way, all three of us will know”.

“If he answers yes to my burning question, all will be very well,

if he answers no, about going below, I won’t send him down to hell.

But then I’ll know you lied to me, as you’ve often done before,

and you’ll have to pay a penance, to even up the score.”

Now the Devil thought Pete would forget to ask, as he was getting pretty old,

so he agreed to the whole damm deal, he really wanted to steal that soul.

Time went by, and there came a day, when the man stood at the Pearly  Gate,  

he was not cowed, he was still unbowed, as he awaited then his fate.

“The Devil told me, you and he agree, you want to go to his zoo.”

The man said “No, that’s just not so, the Devil lied to you.”

Saint Peter said “You may go inside, you’ve been absolved of sin,”

and the man proudly walked his final steps, as he passed through within.

Saint Peter called in a roaring voice, “Devil come up here today,

you’ve lied to me, again and again, and now you’ve got to pay.”

The Devil rose through the soaring clouds, on his face was an evil grin.

He thought what can Pete do to me, no matter how much I sin.

Well Saint Peter showed the power of God, as the Devil sat by his feet,

and smirked and sneered, and said to him “You can’t hurt me Pete.”

Saint Peter said “Now this won’t hurt, and it’ll only take a minute.”

Now Heaven’s changed just a little bit, it has one red Angel in it!! I mean no disrespect to anyone’s religion.

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