Letter from Abigail Lawton to her son Nathan Lawton

As in Nathan’s brother Joseph’s letter, his mother seems to say she cannot attend Nathan’s wife Esther’s funeral due to circumstances that are unmentioned.

My Mothers Letter (1837) on the Death of my Wife Esther
Nathan Lawton, Rome, Onieda Co, NY

Fairfield, Oct 21th 1837

To Nathan Lawton

My Dear Child,

The melloncolly news of Esters death reached my ears yesterday although from Mr. Hales account I had reason to expect it. Still it struct me almost to the heart and my heart bleeds as it were for you and those poor children[.] [M]y heart is overflowing for your poor little children[.] I cannot write to you what I want to[.] I must only recommend to that overruling Being who giveth and taketh away. He seith your affliction and he is able to heal. He knoweth what is best for us better than we can tell[.] [T]rust in the Lord for he is able and willing to assist all who put their trust in him[.] (I expect I cannot attend the funeral as we have concluded it would not be consistent with the circumstances and going at present but my tears will mingle with yours and I shall mourn with you for your loss I must close but it seams to be almost impossible

Receive these few lines imperfect as they are from your tender and Aff mother and remmember her tears, doth minglewith yours

Abigail Lawton

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