Joseph Warner Lawton wrote this letter to his brother Nathan Lawton. Joseph married Catherine Jenis October 19, 1837, which dates this letter. Nathan’s wife Esther Wiggins Lawton died October 22, 1837. I do not know why Joseph felt he could not attend her funeral. Joseph seems to say that he would have invited his brother Nathan “you and yours” to his wedding, but as Nathan’s wife was ill, he did not. That “you and yours” could possibly infer that Nathan was not living with his wife, but may have been living with someone else. That is purely speculation.
My Dear brother Nathan
It is with the greastest diffidence that I attempt to address you on so painful an occation as the present but it seems as if duty called on me to say something to you You must remember that your affliction comes from the handsof him who does ruleth all things and doeth all thingsright and justly and that he can as well heal yourtroubles and afflictions as he can cause them.It was not unexpected to me ever since I saw MrHale I do not feel capable of saying mutch toyou at present my affairs at present will notpermit me to appear with you in payingyour last respects to a new and beloved companionbut I shall ever mourn with you for your loss andyour childrens loss they have lost a friend they cannever regain this life.
I will just mention to you that I was marriedon Thursday last to Miss Jenis? Of Boonville andhave reached home this afternoon I was just agoingto write to you of my intention and to request you andyours to attend as Mr Hale came and told the newsof your wife being sick I then thought it best notto say anything about it to you for I thoughtyou had enough to think about with out thatI must close for the present father will tell you what I can’t
Receive these lines from your aff Brother J. W. Lawton