Longmeadow August 9, 1853
My Dear friend,
Your kind letter of the 21st ult. came to hand soon after its date, the perusal of which afforded me a pleasure next to that of a personal interview. It served to call up your image to my mind and the many pleasant interviews which we have had together, and as I trust not unprofitable. That early scene which you so graphically described is indelibly impressed upon my memory and will be the last that I shall ever forget. She who, on that delightful morning of spring met and greeted me in your doorway so beautifully over (anoher) with roses, has been the queen of my heart and the solace of my life. God be forever thanks for such a wife; and long may she live, for when she dies, I shall die also, though my pulse may not cease to beat.
Week before last wife and I made a pleasant journey to Boston and locale and the neighboring towns-on our way we visited Sanford an found him well though rather weary with teaching. He seems impatient to enter upon the studies of his profession; probably he will not continue longer in the business of teaching than next spring. I hope the Lord will make his life a useful one.
The last week has been one of hardship and distress.
Mrs Burt having just stepped from the church steps on Sabbasth fell to the ground by hitting her toe against a man’s heel and so sprained the muscle and nerve of her hip that she was unable to rise, and having been carried to my house has remained here unable much of the time to stir her limb or move herself in bed. She has suffered much pain and ahs made it a great task to take care of her. She however is improving an will probably recover though she may never again have the entire use of her right limb. I hope the providence may contribute to her record improvement and fit her for a better world. It is a great favor that my own family are all well and are able and willing to wait upon her and (whive?) her in her distressed situation.
The “noise men” of Massachusetts have spent two or three months in Boston attempting to alter the constitution, but in my opinion have failed to improve it but a very little. I could have wished that at the close of their session they had (infualed?) every act that they had found and saved the state any further expense by bringing their doings before the people to be satisfied by them. The general state of affairs among us is characterized by the same immutability as for ( members?) I have no local intelligence with which to interest you.
Mr Harding is now spending his vacation on a visit with his wife to his friends. When he returnsI hope he will resume his pastoral labor with increased zeal and love his study more. Where his prayer book is I do not know. The burying ground is in a neat condition having been faithfully mowed and raked by Mr Parker. I am sorry to say that nither lecture room nor school house is even begun. I think however as the money is raised that both will be built before winter.
The Storm family have relinquished the purpose of their contempt at a jubelee.
It would give me great pleasure to see you and hope that before long it may be realized.
Please to make my kind regards to your son and wife.
Very affectionately yours
Sanford Lawton