My Child

By: Leo Lawton

February 28, 2010

As much as I love you, it’s that time I know,

I must let you grow up, I must let you go,

You were conceived, and I was happy.

You were born, and my cup runneth over.

I fed you, bathed you, attended your every need.

Suddenly, you had grown into a child.

You began to laugh with me, at silly little things,

You began to notice, things like little silken wings,

Upon the pretty butterflies, that flitted slowly by,

and other things of beauty, that sometimes took your eye.

Then one day you went to school, I turned my back and cried,

I wanted you to go your way, but it tore me up inside,

To see you turn and walk away, proud as you could be,

I wanted you to learn life’s game, but not abandon me.

Too quick those golden years sped by, and you went off to college,

searching for a way in life, only found with knowledge,

Did you really have to go, oh yes I know you did,

So you wouldn’t see my tears, I ran off and hid.

Now you say it’s time for you, to be out on your own,

You think you ought to marry, and that you’re fully grown,

I know that what you say is true, you really have no fears,

But that doesn’t help a bit, I’m still all full of tears.

I wish you all the happiness, that rightfully is yours.

As you take a large step forward, and walk out through my doors,

Like the majestic fledgling eagle, you must learn to soar,

And I know that certainly, I will cry once more.

As much as I love you, it’s that time I know,

I must let you grow up, I must let you go.

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