The Will of Thomas Lawton of Wharley End
Cranfield, Bedfordshire, England
In the name of God Amen. The Third daye of December in the yeare of our lord God 1605 & in the Third yeare of the raigne of our Soueraigne Lord James by the grace of god Kinge of Ingland and France and Ireland defender of the faith & of Scotland the 39th I Thomas Lawton of Wharlend in the parish of Cranfield in the Countie of Bedford husbandman Beinge of good & perfect Remembrance Thankes be to God therefore, doe ordaine Constitute & make this my Last Will & Testament in manner & forme followinge First I bequeath my Soule into the handes of almightie God my maker hoping that through the pretious death & bloud sheddinge of Jesus Christ his sonne to have free remission of all my Sinnes, & my Body to be buried in the Church or Churchyeard of Cranfield aforesaide Item I doe give unto Thomas Lawton my sonne Eleaven pounds Ten shillinges of Lawfull Inglish mony to be unto him within on halfe yeare after my deceasse Item I doe give unto Richard Lawton my sonne £11 10s to be paid unto him within on halfe yeare after my deceasse Item I doe give unto Marye my Eldest daughter £11 10s & on Elme Chest to be paid & delivered unto her within on halfe yeare after my deceasse Item I doe give unto Joane Lawton £11 10s & on cubbeard & on Cheste to be paid & delivered unto her within on halfe yeare after my deceasse Item I doe give unto Annis Lawton my daughter £11 10s & to be paid unto her within on halfe yeare after my deceasse Item if eyther of my Twoe youngest Children dye before the age 21 yeares that eyther Child be the others heyre Item I doe give unto Annis my Wife £9 & all the debte that mr Fanes oweth mee & on best Beddsteede & on mattresse & on paire of the best sheetes & the beste Coverlidde & Five Pewter Platters & Two Brasse pottes & twoe of the best kettles on little C?? farre & on Cowe to be paid & delivered unto her within on halfe yeare after my deceasse. Item I doe give unto George Lawton my sonne Forty Pounds of Lawfull Inglish mony & all the rest of my godes unbequeathed Whome I doe make my Soule executor of this my Laste Will & Testament. In witness whereof I have sette my hande the daye & yeare First above written.
The marke of Thomas Lawton
Witnesses Thomas Wheler Thomas Tapp Robert Tapp, writer hereof
Proved at Bedford 1606
Transcribed by Zena Grant Collier, the original held at Bedford Record Office