A Look At Life

By: Leo Lawton

May 5, 2001

Ghetto raised, nothing praised, only misery reigns,

Wasted time, make a dime, lives going down the drains.

Grandma died, Mama cried, Daddy went away,

Days misspent, pay the rent, sell yourself today.

Rat infested, drugs ingested, cold-water-flats abound,

Babe on floor, moms a whore, all kinds of trash around.

Such is life, lots of strife, poor people everywhere,

Run don’t walk, no time for talk, get away from there.

Skin is black, it’s not a lack, makes you want to scream,

There was a man, had a plan, he said “I have a dream,”

Play it cool, go to school, then go off to college,

A better way, found someday, only with the knowledge.

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