My Father’s Coat

Written By: Leo Lawton

It was about 1945. Our family cut firewood to heat our home. Each year about January it was time to cut a winter’s supply for the following year. By staying a year ahead we always had seasoned wood to burn. That brings me to mind that my Dad had a heavy fur coat that he called his buffalo coat. He always wore it to cut wood. It was similar to this one shown. I expect he got it from his father who stood about 6′ 2″ or 3″, while my dad was only about 5′ 8″ because the coat went from the top of Dad’s head, with the 8″ collar standing, all the way down to his ankles. It was made from buffalo or bison hide.

Additional Info:

A couple of days ago I wrote the small article about my father’s buffalo coat. I suggested he might have gotten it from his father. My father’s sister Clara gave me information for another article, and confirms Grandpa Will had such a coat so it was without much doubt they were one and the same.

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